White House Safer States Initiative December 2023

Community Capacity Development’s Executive Director, K Bain, embarked on a significant journey to Washington, DC, participating in a pivotal Safer States Initiative conversation hosted at the White House. The focus of this gathering was the recently inaugurated office, the first-ever dedicated to preventing gun violence, established in September.

During this crucial discussion, the administration highlighted its commitment to the Safer States Initiative, emphasizing the implementation of evidence-informed practices. The aim is to strategically allocate resources to models and frameworks that have demonstrated a tangible impact in curbing gun violence.

This development carries immense significance for our Human Justice Network, as we eagerly anticipate the positive ripple effects on our collective mission. The dialogue also delves into understanding the nuances of investing in victim services and providing robust support for survivors of gun violence. By exploring these avenues, we aim to contribute to a more comprehensive and compassionate response to the aftermath of such incidents.

On the policy and legislative front, the conversation extends to fostering greater accountability within the gun industry. This involves examining and advocating for more stringent measures, including enhanced background checks, to address the root causes of gun violence.

As the discussions unfold within the hallowed halls of the White House, we are committed to keeping you connected and informed. Stay tuned for updates as we navigate this critical dialogue, working towards a safer and more just society for all. Together, let’s stay engaged in the pursuit of meaningful change.


Gabriel Comrie