The Rise: Transforming Lives and Communities

Community Impact: The Rise Project

In the heart of Brownsville, New York, is a groundbreaking initiative set to redefine community development and address chronic social, economic, and health disparities. The Rise Project is a comprehensive endeavor that aims to uplift and empower the community, fostering positive change and resilience. Community Capacity Development is proud to be a part of this endeavor.

Biophilic Design for Well-being

At the core of The Rise is a commitment to occupant well-being through innovative Biophilic design. The building will feature multiple green spaces, green walls, rooftop gardens, and a greenhouse. These elements are not just aesthetic additions but integral components that offer opportunities for both formal and informal therapeutic activities. The integration of nature into the living environment is designed to enhance the mental and physical health of the occupants.

Community Programming for Health and Resiliency

The Rise goes beyond traditional community development by incorporating extensive and dynamic programming focused on health, wellness, and resiliency. A highlight of these initiatives is the rooftop farm, which serves a dual purpose. It provides better access to nutritious food for residents and also offers job training opportunities, contributing to economic empowerment within the community.

Sustainable Living Culture

The overarching goal of The Rise is to promote a culture of sustainable living. This extends not only to the occupants of the building but also to the broader Brownsville neighborhood. By combining eco-friendly design with community-driven programs, The Rise aims to create a sustainable and thriving environment for everyone involved.

Wrap-around Supportive Services

To ensure the success of The Rise Project, collaborative efforts are underway with key organizations. Community Capacity Development, the Women’s Prison Association, and the Osborne Association will provide wrap-around, supportive services for residents and eligible community members. These services include case management, job-readiness training, job placement, legal assistance, and support groups focused on re-entry transition and the development of social and wellness skills.

The Rise Project represents a holistic approach to community development. Through its Biophilic design, community programming, and collaborative support services, The Rise aims to be a catalyst for positive change in Brownsville. As the project progresses, it is poised to create a lasting impact, fostering resilience, well-being, and sustainable living for all.

As of 2023, Brownsville has experienced a total of 7 murders, 35 rapes, 264 robberies, 656 felony assaults, 122 burglaries, and 325 grand larceny offenses. While these figures reflect a notable decrease in incidents compared to the previous year (2022), it is evident from the data that substantial efforts are still required to further mitigate violence in Brownsville. Acknowledging the positive trend, there remains a collective responsibility to implement effective strategies and initiatives aimed at fostering a safer environment for residents.

Stay tuned for updates on The Rise and witness the transformation of lives and communities in real-time.


Gabriel Comrie